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Work in detail

Shop-front signage for Cavalry Tattoo Studio

Tom contacted us wanting to have some signage that stood out amongst the rest in Norwich. The challenge was we needed to turn this around as quickly as possible after he was let down and we needed the signage to be bespoke to his brand. We used a combination of Tray, Foamex and Vinyl to help it give the 3D effect and stood proud of the shop itself. The solution was working with our suppliers on the quickest turnaround they could give us for materials, a sharp focus on graphic work to help the sign fit the sizing of the shop front which was in Norwich.

Throughout the process we kept in touch with Tom to ensure he was happy throughout the process. The outcome was an amazing design, Tom was over the moon on how quickly we got everything done and the way his sign looked above the tattoo studio making him stand out from the rest of the high street and make an impression on visitors and passers-by.

Cavalry Tattoo Studio
Project Type
The Signage Specialists in Norwich
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